iPhone 4G, the expected 2010 model of iPhone is still not down with daily speculations and updates. It is known that few days back Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs had announced a new operating system, OS4 for iPhone 2010. The new operating system, iPhone 0S 4 is supposed to change the entire look of iPhone in terms of software and user interface. While discussions about iPhone 4G are still on, and the new speculation made its way about iPad Mini. Is Apple preparing to launch an iPad mini with slashed price? Let’s have a deeper look at Apple iPad mini concept.
iPad mini concept somehow came out in news when a mobile research analyst hinted that Apple could release the scaled down version of iPad by next year. He claimed that
he got this information from component manufacturing industry circles. As per the reports, iPad mini is going to have a much smaller screen and the different chip. So, iPad obviously is going to come in much cheaper price than the present version. Apple is reportedly is thinking about presenting a portable version of Apple iPad which already is a portable tablet!
May be Apple is looking to develop an all in one product like iPad, which can easily fit in pockets and is easy to carry. iPad as we all know has a bigger LCD screen of 9.7 inch display. So the speculated iPad might come with a 5 to 7 inches. This mini versionof iPad is going to target the users who are serious about portability of iPad. Also the slashed price for iPad would be an added bonus. The iPad mini is most likely to be priced under 400$ or even lesser. Also the brand of the Apple iPad is rumored to be Apple ‘Q1’.
iPhone 4G is coming this summer as an update for iPhone 3Gs. iPhone too is going to feature the A4 chip which is already used in iPad. Surely the Apple iPad mini is not going to have a A4 chip. The A4 chip and the large display in iPad cost half of the total price. With this we expect iPad mini might not have any mind blowing features! But Apple is said to be making their efforts to cash on ‘portability’ factor thus making iPad mini a better user eBook reader or a web browser. This light versionof iPad may risk the survival of iPod touch, but looks like Apple have their own plans.