Hi, when i transferred the fortnite files to the pc it still downloads the game. im not sure if it is the game or the update. shame it dosent say the size of the file i would recognise if it was an update or a game.. Check the leaderboard ranking for fortnite players at gameserverdirectory.com.. Fortnite goes down, epic apologises with gifts news fortnite patch 3.5 adds port-a-fort, replays and cyberpunks trailer fortnite mobile revenue surpasses $15m news.
Simple searches use one or more words. separate the words with spaces (cat dog) to search cat,dog or both. separate the words with plus signs (cat +dog) to search for items that may contain cat but must contain dog.. Twitch. 13.5m followers, 6 following, 361 posts - see instagram photos and videos from fortnite (@fortnite).